Tuesday, 17 March 2015

project week 1

                                                                  The new project

After the first project we started  the second project which was creating our own song in the lining up of the other one. So basically we have to make different parts,like ground Bass,part 1,2,3,4.5.But in this new song we are writing we are going to be using chords to write it. This is because we need the notes to sychronize(this means the notes occur and operate at the same time or rate). This song is going to be our individual songs and we also have to remember to use chords.

In the frist week of this lesson i dont think i have done well enough in it. I was creating notes that didnt even go with any of the chords we have learnt. I also didnt know we had to have 8 notes on each parts, so because of this i had to sart all over again.

This is my reflection for the first week:)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like on reflection, you now have a better idea of what to do. A shame you didn't post a picture of what you wrote, or a video of what you have played so far.
